
Mr. U. Fuentes R. is the founder of UFR Martial Arts (originally known as St. Louis Kali-Silat-JKD Martial Arts and UFR Kali- Silat-JKD Martial Arts). He has studied and explored martial arts for over forty years.

He is an instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto and is authorized to teach in the Arts of Sciences of Jun Fan Gung Fu, Filipino Martial Arts, Maphilindo Silat, and Madjapahit Martial Arts.

He holds the rank of Disciple, 7th degree Black Belt (level 16) in the arts of Kali, Silat, and JKD Concepts under Guro Bruce Ogle of the Indy Kali-Silat International. Mr. Fuentes R. has practiced Jeet Kune Do Concepts, Jun Fan Gung Fu, and has attended training seminars for over thirty years, taught by leading experts in the system.

Mr. U. Fuentes R. also holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and weapons under Master Stephen McCall, a red belt in Olympic Tae Kwon Do, and has many years of kickboxing experience. Additionally, he has traveled to the Far East to explore and train martial arts.

Guro U. Fuentes R.

Alex M.

Alex M. is a Level 2 Instructor at UFR Martial Arts. He has trained martial arts for the past 13 years under the close guidance of Guro U. Fuentes R. and continues working towards his next level of instructorship. He is authorized to teach JKD, Kali, and Silat and currently assists in all classes at the school.

Alex has attended several training seminars with Guro Dan since 2015 and is familiar with many of his teachings.